11th January The Anchor Oldbury on Severn
5th March St Piran’s Day Bristol Trelawny Shout: Frampton Cotterell British Legion Club BS36 2HW
22nd March Fish n’ Chips & Shanties with Special Guests – The Fox Easter Compton
8th May VE Day Celebrations – Almondsbury Hill.
10th May Beer & Shanty Festival Freemason Hall Park St, Bristol. BS1 5NH
24th May Shanty Day Portishead Marina
31st May Arno’s Vale May Fair https://arnosvale.org.uk/events/
14th & 15th June Falmouth International Shanty Festival
26th July TBC in May The Fox Shanty Day with guests
12th July The Gallants Yacht Club Fowey
17th – 19th October Mevagissey Shanty Festival https://www.mevashantyfest.co.uk/
21st – 22nd November St Ives Shanty Shout https://www.stivesshantyshout.co.uk/